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Voters Not Politicians (VNP)

Feldman Strategies

In 2018, Voters Not Politicians took on Michigan’s political establishment and accomplished a feat that many thought wasn’t possible, creating and passing a ballot initiative to end gerrymandering in the state. On November 6, 2018, with over 61% of the vote, Michiganders approved the creation of the Michigan Independent Citizens Redistricting Commission.

Even though Voters Not Politicians accomplished a monumental victory for democracy in 2018, the threats to our democracy have only become greater since then.

Following the 2020 election, when it became clear that extremist voices in Michigan’s Republican Party were only going to get louder and continue to peddle Trump’s “Big Lie”, Voters Not Politicians knew it was time that their work defending democracy and ensuring all Michiganders had access to the ballot became known on the national stage.

That’s where Feldman Strategies comes in.

Through our strategic communications guidance and media relations execution, Voters Not Politicians is now known across the national media landscape as the leading, non-partisan, voter rights and democracy organization in Michigan.


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